Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Blog Guilt + some good ole fashion feelers ;)

Do you ever feel guilty that you haven't updated your blog in awhile, so instead of just hopping on and updating, you avoid it...for even longer.

Well that's what's been going on lately. Life in Covington is full speed ahead. Yes, now we have two cars, and now I have 1.5 mobile babies (Yes, Ryan is the .5... he's inching and rolling and scooting around but not quite mobile)  so naturally I'd be a bit busier but I definitely think it's just me and Covington. This place reminds me so much of Issaquah that I really feel at home here and I'm starting to reach my goal of trying new things/experiencing things that may be uncomfortable at first aka REACHING OUT OF MY COMFORT ZONE. For a long time, I wanted to move back to Issaquah and eventually lay down some roots there but I'm starting to really love everything that Covington has to offer and I think I may have found my home. Not making any promises...but we'll see :) Anyway, the point is that we've been "On the Go"-- which is good!

The last 2 years have been an amazing ride. That's really the only way to describe it. But it was definitely a ride. I had a lot of extremely high highs and a lot of low lows. I started to really resent being in Renton; how could I not? We basically packed up our party kids lifestyle, left Seattle and all the culture and diversity that I loved-- ok fine, and all the hippies that I loved and Eric hated-- and moved to Renton to become boring old parents overnight. My life went from "Where's the party at?" to "Who pooped" instantly. I lost a lot of friends along the way and it was hard. Probably the hardest part of becoming a parent. Harder than getting up 5 times in one night, harder than labor, feeding a child with my body and all that pain that comes with it. Hard, hard, hard. I haven't talked much about it publicly because I tend to feel a little hostile and bitter...and a whole lot of resentment starts to boil but I think I've just accepted it now. My true friends have stuck around and that's all that matters to me now.

The adjustment was hard on me because not only was I adjusting my life as a new mom and the demands of having a baby- oh yes, and then just when things started to get a bit easier with Tristan, the demands of being pregnant, and then the demands of Toddlerhood...and then TWO babies. We were also dealing with one car, and a swing shift. Worst combo ever. If Eric had had a day shift, having one car = not so bad. But when you have a baby/pregnant/two babies...it's just not possible to get up at 3,4,5,6 AM (when you yourself got to bed around midnight) to go pick up your husband, and then come home and try to put those babies back to sleep, fall asleep yourself, and then get up in 2-3 hours...for the day. Can you tell we tried it? Anyway, it was a bit depressing being cooped up in house all day. I started to get cabin fever. Now, it's nice to be able to have my own schedule- one that can coincide with Eric's work schedule but does not revolve around it, and be able to attend classes I would have never been able to attend, ETC. You get the idea. Freedom = Happy Mama.

Anyway, we are busier than ever but I am lovin' it! We had a non-stop month of March and the trend seems to be continuing...with Conference last weekend, and now Easter and Tristan's 2nd birthday, my Mom coming up for a visit, my little brother home from College before he's off on his mission...it's going to be a busy month! I'll try to stay more on top of the blogging. I really truly wish to blog every day but sometimes my heart just isn't in it and I just want to go to bed :)

Here's some highlights:

Until next time!


  1. Love the update and the pics..I loved Hawaii but I am overdue for some time with those boys!! I never thought Id be such a kid lover. Yours have converted me-I find myself comparing them to others all the time. On the beach there were so many babies- Id be like "that ones cute, but it doesn't have Tristans smile. That ones cute, but it doesn't have Ryans legs or cheeks" Oh man..

    1. haha you are too kind! But it's true... nobody can have thighs like Ryan :)
