Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Baby fever

I understand now how Ryan came about so shortly after Tristan.

When you have an adorable 6-9 month old, things seem perfect. It's like baby bliss.

They're not totally leeched to your body, but they still want to snuggle. They typically sleep through the night and take a couple naps a day. They're not totally mobile and running around crazy, but they hold interest in toys for a decent span of time. And they can't talk and don't care to.

So while your adorable baby giggles and coos and grabs his cute chubby toes, you think... Yeah, I totally want another one of these.

I mean, who wouldn't want a million of these?

And husband is so smitten with wonder baby that he agrees.

...and then, a few months pass.

And wonder baby turns into whiney toddler. and you start to realize why your friends brother is 4 years older than her. but it's too late. #2 is already on the way.

I'm trying to keep that into perspective as I stroll past the adorable tutu's and soft pink blankies... I can feel all my mommy parts aching. And then I remind myself that in order to receive said baby girl, one must create her with one's body, and I quickly regain what little self control I posess, and steer myself to the monster trucks and tool sets.

I did indulge a little bit this weekend.
I made my mom buy this adorable tutu.
She said if I don't have a girl, I have to pay her back.
Better have that girl next...

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