Monday, April 9, 2012

The Easter Egg Hunt Debate

Hope everyone had a great Easter!
I know we did :)

Eric and I got into a debate about what you're supposed to do with the Easter basket...there was no resolution, so we're going to take a vote to decide on what we will do for the years following. 

What do you do with the Easter basket? Do you hide a basket full of goodies and then use the empty basket to collect eggs? Is the egg hunt a completely separate occasion? Do you skip the basket of goodies? In my home growing up, the Easter basket with goodies was always hidden and we had a separate basket to collect eggs, but we did it all at the same time. We always had Easter brunch and dressed up. That was pretty much it. I like that tradition, but with church incorporated into it (since you know...Easter is about JESUS, not the Easter Bunny). But alas... marriage is supposed to be a team, so I guess I'm willing to compromise. We're counting on your responses. Let me know any way you choose- FB, Twitter, Email, Here, ETC, but whatever you do, please...let me know.

"It was shed for you and me
that from sin we might be free, 
I remember how He paid the debt for me."


  1. The "Easter bunny" leaves a basket full of little toys, candy etc. for the morning when jaycie wakes up..(kind of like xmas) we usually dye eggs a few days before...I get up before jaycie does (Easter Morning) I hide the dyed eggs around the house.. she gets to go through her easter basket stuff and either dump it out and use her easter basket to find the hard boiled dyed eggs or she can use a different basket. We then eat some of the hard boiled eggs she found for breakfast. Then we have an outside plastic easter egg hunt..eggs are filled with coins and candy. Hope this helps!

  2. So when you say "in my home growing up", which home are you referring to? 'cause it sounds like what we used to do when you were at our that right?

  3. Connie, both! We did it the same way at both houses, so I just thought this was how it was done!
