Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Daily Donut

I have created a monster.

In an attempt to quit drinking coffee (attempt # 3,641) I decided that if I didn't make coffee at home then I would drink less. If I bought coffee from Starbucks, I would be limited to a certain quantity instead of making it when I wake up and drinking it till 5pm. This was my theory. It seems to be working somewhat. Since my "allowance" usually goes towards Starbucks anyways, it's not too big of a deal. A couple weeks ago, I felt bad because Tristan hadn't had a big lunch that day and we had been out all day so he hadn't eaten anything for a few, I got him a donut. The old fashioned glazed donut. If you haven't tried these, don't. They're so addicting, you'll never stop. Which I suppose is why Tristan is now addicted.

I usually swing through the Starbucks Drive Thru on my way home from my morning gym session. It has become habit now to get my coffee and Tristan's donut. Now, I feel guilty if I don't buy him a donut because he gets so excited when we pull in the Drive Thru.

Yesterday, I attempted to wean him. I ordered my coffee and drove to the window. He started kicking his legs and laughing hysterically, taking his binky out, getting ready to receive his donut. He thought he knew what was coming. Ugh. I gave in and asked if they could add a donut to the order. All was well. No tantrum and no willpower. I am feeding my child donuts to keep him happy.  This is a huge deal, seeing as he rarely gets sugar in his diet. Surprisingly, I think the sugar has been a positive effect. He seems happier (or maybe I'm imagining it... I don't know) and has more energy, which I actually like. My kids pretty sedentary, glued to the TV so I have to bribe him to get him to play with toys so the fact that he wants to play and run around like a real kid is satisfying to me.
Today, I forgot to tell Eric to go to Starbucks because we were so distracted by the sudden downpour (after considering putting shorts on my children this morning because it was so pretty out). All of a sudden Tristan started crying. Out of nowhere, as if he was being provoked. It was then that I realized we were passing Starbucks.

Naturally, we turned around and got him his daily donut. Good heavens, what have I done?!

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