Friday, April 1, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go away!

Some things that have been going on in my household that I don't know how to handle...

1. Tristan is a little over 11 months old. How did this happen?!
2. He has mastered crawling, rolling, holding his own bottle, drinking from a sippy cup (although not an actual cup yet) and now walking, among other somewhat obnoxious behaviors ( like begging for food and turning the tv on and off, and dumping the dog bowls on the floor, taking silverware out of the dishwasher as I'm trying to load it...etc,etc).

3. He has developed what some may call "a temper tantrum". It's happening all too frequent for me to handle.
4. It appears that Tristan has grown bored with his toys.

Nothing seems to entertain him for longer than a few minutes and I don't really want to spend the money to buy him new toys, although I'm starting to think that might be the solution.. I have thought of things like art activities, although I have been hesitant because I know the paint and crayons will just end up in his mouth. I don't think we're to that stage yet... The weather has been pretty rainy and muddy so any outdoor activities are out as well.

Things we enjoy on a daily basis:

1. Barney. "We" love Barney. But we don't have DVR so we cycle through 4 episodes. So Barney is also limited. Plus I don't want a couch potato for a 1 year old.
2. Bath time. We stay in till we're pruney.
3. Snack times & meal times. Anything involving food.
4. Nap time. I wouldn't say Tristan necessarily enjoys this, but I sure do.

I'm very proud of my little man; he seems like a very alert and active little guy. Maybe a little too active and alert for me to handle at times. Thankfully, I have been taking less cat naps throughout the day and I'm starting to get my energy back, but mostly it still feels like my feet are dragging and I can't keep up.

Also, since we are a one car family and because of Eric's odd hours, since Tristan has been born (so as to establish some kind of sleep pattern for him) we have been confined to the house mostly. There are occasional days where I have the car to run errands or other necessary things, but mostly we stay at home.

These are all daily activities that we frequent. So, for the sake of my sanity and my poor bored child...any suggestions are greatly appreciated.


  1. Ah yes, nothing like a string of rainy days to remind you how much kids (and moms) NEED to be outside. It's just not natural to be cooped up. Indoor activities for the older kids are a whole lot easier 'cause they're so into their toys and building cushion forts and playing pretend stuff. Little ones like Millie and Tristan are a little tougher to please...

    Music? Does T like to shake his groove thang? Or homemade instruments and such. Blocks or tupperware? Stack 'em up, knock 'em down. Playing chase? He can laugh, you can sweat. Boxes? Push him around in a makeshift boat or make a puppet theater with homemade puppets or build forts or stack them, smash them, color them.

    p.s. Tristan is A-dorable! Can't wait to see him this summer. :)

  2. Thanks for the suggestions! We are going to try it out this week! Can't wait to see you guys too!!! I'm ready for some good Jory fun :)
