Monday, March 28, 2011

omg, shoes!

I frequent Target so much, I can tell if they got a new brand in the shampoo aisle. Last Friday, I was wandering aimlessly and I ran into the shoe section and oh my gosh... it was like Christmas morning! I love new product. Love love love. I get so excited, even if I have no money or intention of purchasing. It's like feeding my soul.

I love to love shoes.

But here's the thing: I don't even wear shoes. I never buy shoes. I own like, 3 pairs of shoes...for real. And the pair of shoes that is frequented the most is a pair of $7 dollar flip flops I bought at Target before I was pregnant with Tristan. I don't own a pair of tennis shoes anymore. Eric and I bought a pack of socks for me at Costco, like...a year ago? and I just opened the package...I treat my shoes like I treat my shampoo, I wear them until there's just no sole left in them (no pun intended, hehe).

I used to collect Converse' but somehow over the years...they have disappeared and I gave up trying to replace them. It's one of those weird things where you're looking for that pair of shoes, and you're wondering in your head, how the heck you managed to lose shoes? I am amazing. I can lose anything that I'm trying not to lose, but yet I still have an Orientation t-shirt from my freshman year of high school.

It's not that I don't like regular shoes, I just don't like to wear them. I hate putting on socks mostly, but I also hate taking the time to put on my shoes. I just want to slip my shoes on with no hassle. I don't have time to bend over and tie my shoe.

So you can imagine my excitement when practically the entire new shoe collection was flats and sandals.  I decided right then and there that since the rest of my body will be growing and miserable this feet are going to be pampered and happy.

I can't wait to begin my small sandal collection!

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