Saturday, April 16, 2011

Count your blessings!

It's a rare occasion that I feel thankful.
Sad, but true.
Lately, I've been feeling anything but, and it's been getting me down.
I have a laundry list of things that I'd like to improve...

Like, for example:

1. I'd really like Chloe to stop shedding so that I wouldn't have to vacuum every day.
2. I'd love it if my husband got a dayshift so we could pretend to be somewhat normal.
3. I'd like for all the pesky pregnancy symptoms to go away so I can be one of those "Glowing Pregnant" women.
4. I wish the dishes would just do themselves! There are only 3 people that use dishes in this house, how am I doing dishes twice a day??
5. It would be nice if someone would come furnish and decorate my home exactly the way I want, for free...

...the list goes on...

but there are two things in this world that I wouldn't change for all the money or pretty things in the world.

I am so thankful for these boys in my life!!

I have lots of friends who can't get their partners to change a diaper, let alone feed the baby, and you can forget getting up in the middle of the night; I have been lucky enough to have a husband who does all of these things on top of working 60+hours each week and still finds time to play with Tristan, or change his wet sheets in the middle of the night, or make me a sandwich...and usually, without a word of complaint!

Even if I am having the worst day, just watching the two of them interact makes me less cranky, less tired, and a little more thankful. I love to watch them play. Tristan looks forward to his play time with Daddy each morning. Me too, since I can usually escape for a shower or brush my teeth in peace!

It has been dawning on me that my baby is quickly growing into a toddler, and will soon be a little boy. I realize that someday, I may not be cool and he may not want me to smother him with kisses...but until that day, I am taking full advantage!

There are some things I just love about him that I always want to remember:

He has been experimenting with some new facial expressions- my favorite is 'The Stink Face'. We promise, we have no idea where he got this. He squishes his nose and purses out his lips- hilarious. I will try to get it on video some day. He also has a very 'Serious' look, for times like trying to figure out what the heck this thing is- 'Oh a fork? Let's see if I can try to stab myself in the eye with it'. My all time favorite though is how funny he thinks things are, especially Eric. If Eric even looks at him funny, he busts out laughing (I, on the other not funny at all). He tries to run when Eric crawls after him, but he is usually laughing too hard to go very fast and then ends up running to the wall and trying to hide there ("Hopefully I can blend into the wall before Dad tickles me!") and then falls to the ground in hopes of army crawling away.

I am thankful that I have had such a happy go lucky baby and such a helpful husband. For the most part, the beginning of motherhood has been bliss. I realize that this will probably not always be the case and I vow to cherish these moments more.

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