Friday, March 2, 2012

I'm a little excited...

Ok, this is a continuation of my previous post.

I am really pumped about my new goals and lifestyle changes! I started feeling really down about myself and the way I looked and I wasn't happy with it, so I started making some changes and although I haven't seen immediate results, I can FEEL the results. I feel amazing! Not only do I love feeling like I did something good for myself and for my family, I LOVE getting to have some one on one time with myself, and also with my husband. Oh how I miss theeee! It's crazy how different it feels to go places in public with him without our kids. It makes me feel young again! Oh wait, I am. I must keep telling myself this. (Another reason I wanted to get active again--feeling old and frumpy makes it hard for me to look at a good day and see it as just that).

The past two years have been all about the kids. We have focused our energy on providing for, playing with, teaching, learning, etc etc. It finally hit us (us being the Mr. & I) that we spent far too much effort and energy on the kids and far too little on us. The key to life is balance. Oy. This will forever be a goal that we will have to work at but I'm okay with that. Just like all things, balance takes work :)

Like I said in my previous post, one of my main motivations was to be able to utilize the Kids Klub that they offer. I was feeling stuck and bored and it was starting to get to me. Having only one car was driving me nuts!But that was where we were at, and in order to achieve other goals I had to suck it up and make the best of it. Well, after spending 5 months trying to plan activities that we could do with the kids, both Eric and I were drained. This required us to get up and moving (MUCH harder for Eric than for me--Seriously, a huge sacrifice) by 9 am, sometimes earlier...oh yes, and out the door. For those that know us, we hope that you've accepted us for who we are and understand that yes, we will probably be late to everything for the next 20 years until we get this parenting thing down, but we want you to know-- we do try! Anyway...getting sidetracked. So we jam packed our schedule full of story time, kidz bounce, open swim, play dates, wtvr we could find literally to amuse our toddler and get him out of the house for at least an hour a day before we had to return to our cave and hide out for the remainder of the day. All of this had to be accomplished by about 1230. Our mornings were rushed and evenings were long and bare.

So now that we belong, and by belong I mean to a gym ;) it feels as though we are both being able to reach goals we want for ourselves and for our children at the same time. While we still have to squeeze in a workout in the morning at least we can do it at our pace and it's okay if we're late :) We get to spend roughly an hour and a half together each day without the children, and that is enough motivation for me right there. It is like date night every morning! Seriously, I hate to say this but I almost forgot that we used to have normal conversations, that didn't include who pooped or who's hungry or what bill needs to get paid..or worse... what Redbox should we get tonight...

We were so excited that Tristan adjusted well. He isn't exactly what one might call a social butterfly and it was starting to worry us so this is just great that he loves being there and has even made some friends. Whenever we pick them up, Tristan is playing with other kids or off climbing on the slide but as soon as he sees us he runs over to us. It's the best feeling ever! I feel rejuvenated and ready to take on whatever tantrum lies ahead when that little boy runs into my arms after some adult time. I can't get enough of it! Oh yeah, and the girls just love to flirt with my baby. He's a ham, of course and just eats it up. Best baby ever, never have to worry about him giving anyone any trouble...yet.  Anyway it's a win win for all of us.

Eric and I have made a compromise; we are each going to try a little bit of what the other one wants/likes to do to keep our exercises fresh. I really like to try new classes and Eric likes to play racquetball but doesn't have any friends that like to play out here. So naturally he recruited me :/ . He has been teaching me this week after our workout though and I'm starting to get the hang of it...the more I learn, the more fun it gets...and tomorrow, we are testing out a class called Boot Camp Conditioning. I'm excited for what's in store. I've been taking the Zumba classes all week in the evening, and so far I love them so it'll be nice to change up the pace.

Welp, there you have it.
Now that I have all this written out, I'm hoping that it will force me to keep accountability :)

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