Friday, March 4, 2011

7 Reasons I neglected to blog this week:

The truth is, I'm lazy. But these are some fun excuses to make you think otherwise! Enjoy :)

1. I got an ULTRASOUND! Of my 12 week old fetus. Pretty cute. I didn't get to see Tristan till 20 weeks so I was shocked to see what looks like a baby! I think she (it's a girl, right?*) even waved to me! So cool. The day was topped off with some Noah's Bagels. What could get better? I love a day in Seattle.

* For those that don't know, we refer to the baby as a girl--mainly because it is a girl-- baby Olivia, to be exact. We confirm my suspicions in aproximately 8 weeks. (Think visualization techniques, people...)

2. I felt particularly domestic, and made a batch of cookies. Ate cookie dough till I felt kinda sick so I stopped and baked the rest... Proof Here:

3. Laziness. I have no excuse for not getting my act together and blogging on Wednesday, especially because Tristan and I did a whole lot of nothing that day.

4. I got to spend some ME! time and went out to North Bend to see Robyn and her girls (without Tristan...crazy, I know) so that Robyn could dye my hair. FINALLY! Nothing crazy, it was just time to get my act together and stop walking around looking like a homeless lady.

5. I sat on a hard gymnasium floor for an hour and a half directly (and I mean, DIRECTLY) underneath a HUGE projector screen to watch MegaMind at Noah & Hailey's school for movie night. Cute movie...poor venue. The kids had fun though and there was pizza for a dollar!

6. Had a much needed "Ketchup" date with my dear friend, Kristen. We Thompson's love her. She always comes bearing great food. It's really quite wonderful. She's pretty much amazing. We have nothing to offer that could ever compare to her wonderfulness. We wonder why she is still friends with us!

7. Spent quality time with my husband instead of the computer. Felt bad for neglecting my computer and then made up for it by googling anything and everything for the next 5 hours. Kidding...or am I?

Oh yeah. I married him. 
Ps. This picture was taken when I was in labor with Tristan.
I will let you guess how this ended for Eric :)


1 comment:

  1. LOL at Eric in the wheelchair! Where are the pix of your new do? p.s Sounds like you guys had a big weekend. We're so happy for Eric!
