Sunday, February 27, 2011

Baby Steps!

Our proud parent moment has finally arrived. 

Tristan took his first steps today!
I'm convinced my child is really a dog. When you're training a dog, it's best to find out what motivates them.  Is it sweet talk "Good Girl (or Boy)" or physical praise (such as pat on the head) or is it like my dogs?-- food motivation.

I have been trying to get Tristan to walk to me from the coffee table, or from Eric, or wherever he may be standing, for weeks. Now I know. Apparently, I am not appetizing enough.

We were sitting in the 2nd hour of church and I started to feel a little shaky so I pulled out the waffle that I packed for Tristan and started snacking on it, although I knew I had to share so I held out a piece for T. He was holding on to Eric's leg with one hand and just let go and walked to me. Simple as that. It was like 'Oh this ole trick?' 

It was just a couple steps, but like they say- Baby Steps! By this time next week, he'll be running circles around me and then I won't be so excited. Had to post while it was fresh :)

Other than that our weekend was filled with lots of walking (us doing the walking, Tristan doing the stroller sitting) and mall grazing. JayC (Eric's sister) is due with her 4th baby on March 9th, however the due date was estimated based on the baby's size back at week 10-- Now, If you looked at her belly, you'd swear there were either twins in there or she was due a month ago. Our theory is that she was due on Feb 13th  and now she is actually overdue so we've been trying to get this baby out of her. These attempts included lots and lots of walking. Fri night we walked for 4 hours, and Sat we ended up walking about the same- and still no baby! I keep telling her to do the castor oil milkshake but she refuses... I have no idea why?! :)

As a result of being in a mall all weekend, we randomly decided to take the boys in for spontaneous pictures. These are just the ones of Tristan, although we got some super cute shots of Nate and Tristan together which I will post later. I was pretty pleased with the cheap, 20 minute long photo shoot, especially since I haven't gotten pictures done of Tristan since he was 8 weeks old. I'm a slacker, what can I say.

Also, I totally screwed up- I meant to scan these pics and then post them, but I got all excited that I finally had pictures of my child to hang on the wall that I put them in a frame and nailed 'em to the wall without scanning them first. Oops....SO you'll have to excuse the glare. This is a picture of a picture(s).

So as Eric just said, I think we're going to "cash in" early tonight (although I think the term is "turn in"...) because we are exhausted!

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