Monday, September 17, 2012

The Housewife Life

My boss has been out of town so I've been covering her 9-5's for a few days. What a life, I tell ya. If I could work a M-F job with those hours, I don't care if you want me slangin pig's I'll do it.


  • You can be a little risque' and stay up a bit late and still get to semi-sleep in and not need to take a nap in the middle of the day...
  • Your husband can make you breakfast AND get your coffee started
  • Your kids can be watched by other people...
  • You can really feel like a normal person. 

It's so great. Did I also mention that your kids can be watched by other people? (HOLY DAYCARE, I WANT YOU IN MY LIFE).

So... I cannot tell a lie. I loved it and all... it was a dream come true. Except, after 4 days I felt like I was really neglecting my Pinterest boards, and all of my quality facebook/twitter stalking.

I really really missed my computer.

Me, in my natural element.

 I started to reminisce about the good ole' days of being a housewife, and I ached for it a tiny TINY bit. Like not enough for me to ever want to do it full time again..but just enough to want an entire day to play on my computer and pretend like I'm going to make sweet crafts and activities for my kids... and enough to want to make a list of all the things I do miss about being a "full time" stay-at-home mom.

1. Endless amounts of coffee. If my cup ran out... well, all I have to do is just stroll over to the kitchen and refill it. Slippers, robe and all.
2. Speaking of-- my slippers. I miss them.
3. Nobody tells me what to do. I'm in charge.
4. I can do anything I want, when I want. Because I'm the mom and I make the rules. If I don't want to go to story time...well then, we don't have to.
5. Sleeping in till 730am. Never thought I'd say that 730 was sleeping in...
6. Wardrobe freedom. I didn't have to shower unless I wanted to. And I didn't have to wash the same outfit over and over every day.
7. Friends! What are those? I was jk about this one ;)
8. Play dates. I'm going to tell you all a secret. They're not actually for the kids.
9. Shopping. I did a whole lot more shopping before I was too tired to even pick up milk on the way home.
10. Ok and last but not CERTAINLY NOT LEAST!... family time ;)

So there you have it. I don't really want to be a big kid. I just want to wear my pj's all day and call it good!


  1. That picture of you is so fab. Reminds me of the good old days of "hanging out" side by side computers messaging each other :)

  2. Haha oh I know. My greasy slept-in ponytail is super sexy :) I looooved those days!
