Monday, April 8, 2013

Belated Easter Sunday 2013

I know, I'm late on this but in my defense... I've had a lot going on. April always gets busy for me because as you know, I really enjoy throwing the kids birthday parties and Tristan's birthday is in April, and my mom comes to visit, and usually there's Easter somewhere in there, although it decided to sneak into March this year.And then of course, just as the sun comes out and you think life is going to get oh so sweet again, our entire family gets hit with the plague. Going on 8 days now. YEP. So there's that. 

I always shirk my motherhood duties around Easter. I'm all for Easter and everything, but it kind of falls into the same category as Thanksgiving for me... I don't care either way what we do, I just want someone to feed me. And I don't want to do the cooking. 

SO ANYWAY-- I present to you, Easter:

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