Thursday, January 17, 2013

What was that? We are human?

You know what, I'm gonna say it... my husband makes me mad.

He is the only person in the world that can spark that teenage angsty flame I try so hard to suffocate. (I've been known to be a bit of a hot head. I'm working on it.)

But thankfully, he is the only person that I love so much that I would count to 10, take a walk, scream into a pillow, etc etc... try all the old tricks in the book to calm down so I don't use him as a mental (or physical) punching bag. Because I love him and I don't want to hurt him. I want him to be the best version of himself that he can be, and it makes me happy when I get to be the pesron that helps him do that.

We all have our issues, and I'm not saying that I always count to 10, because only God (and Eric) know that I should do it 10x more than I actually do.

Sometimes we hurt the people we love, and it's really hard to make it up to them. We say and do things out of anger or hurt, or jealousy or whatever, that we don't mean and then we regret it and we apologize. We hopefully learn from these things and move on and try not to do them again. But sometimes it takes awhile for the other person to forgive and forget, and that's okay too. As long as you're moving in the right direction.

I know, I know... slap a tv audience in front of me, and call me Dr. Phil.

But seriously, one of my resolutions for the new year/my life was to focus on my marriage and make positive changes.

I vowed that whenever I felt like punching Eric [or worse ;)] that I would instead, Google or search Pinterest for "Marriage Advice". It is surprisingly calming to read that you're not the only couple that argues or has issues. A lot of people out there have a lot of the same advice, and sometimes it's comforting to just be reminded to do things we already know we should be doing, and sometimes its comforting to know that everybody struggles.

Today, this is the one that I found and LOVED. So I thought I'd share it because I truly LOVE LOVED it... enjoy :)

15 ways to stay married for 15 years

No husbands were harmed in the making of this blog entry. 

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