Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Soo... this happened yesterday.

Ok, it looks way worse than it was. It didn't really hurt when it happened. I thought I had jammed my finger trying to grab a hold of Chloe, and it wasnt until I looked down at my finger that the panic alarms went off. I immediately freaked out and Eric threw (and i mean, literally threw) the kids in the car while I sat there sobbing in realization that I didn't even have a bra on, and Ryan was still in his pj's. (HAHA, these are the things I think of when my pinky is on backwards) 

I think EVERYONE was freaked out by my finger. The people in the waiting room were staring, the front desk people were freaking out, but hey-- I got a room right away! har har. If you don't want to wait at the ER, just have a really freaky looking injury and they'll get you in a room right away just so you don't freak other people out. 

The swelling was simply from the numbing meds, but that was the worst part.  They stuck a needle in 4 times and numbed the whole area with a LOT of fluid. My finger swelled so much I thought it would pop back into place on its own. Then the doctor came in and I explained to him that since the moment I saw my finger like this, I had been dreading the part where they pop it back into place and did he really have to? Couldn't I just leave it like this and just keep coming back for numbing meds. He laughed at me, and said, "Oh I already did it" and that was that. Seriously. I didn't even notice.

The splint is the worst part, and trying to avoid my children is the hardest. I keep telling them, "AHH DONT TOUCH!" and they just don't seem to understand...
The splint is very interesting to them... 
Tristan keeps pointing at it saying, "It's hurting". 

All in all, it's no biggie. A little pain for an interesting experience? :)

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