Monday, February 21, 2011

New Everything :)

We thought it would be appropriate to start our new blog with some NEW news- like, I mean NEW--it was just released to the Press (aka Dad and Con) today. Soo for those friends and some family that have not heard yet...

Eric is getting baptized.

He is scheduled to be baptized on March 5th at the Skyway building-- although we don't know the time yet-- we will on Friday and I will inform anyone who wants to know. Anyone who would like to support Eric in his decision is invited! We would love to have you :)

While I (Ashley) am very happy and excited about his decision, I can't help but realize that my lifelong goal of defying my parents has probably come to a halt right about now.


Oh well, we all have to give in at some point, right? I'm sure there's something else I can do... ;)

Some of you may be in complete shock, while others may not be so surprised. I can't help but admit, I am not surprised at all. Actually, when the missionaries showed up on our doorstep, I almost laughed. It was LITERALLY LIKE GOD SENT THEM!

Ever since we found out that we had to stop living off of Top Ramen and Beer and become parents, we've been trying to figure out HOW we were going to do that!For me, I knew we would end up here eventually, the day we found out that the food hungry fishy inside of me that was solely responsible for all of the vomiting I had been doing was  indeed, a boy. To be completely honest, I was a whole lot more scared than I was excited at that point. How do you raise a boy? How do you teach them to respect women-their parents? How do you turn all that pent up testosterone into something positive? Well, if Eric's mother was still alive, I probably would have just asked her for some advice because she obviously had a secret or two up her sleeve. I seem to have gotten a one in a million kind of guy for my husband, but I wasn't sure either of us knew how to get there with our own child.

So we started talking about how you do these things, and the only thing that we could both think of was, church. So we talked about our experiences with church and religion and god and our families and what we liked about all of it and what we didn't. All of my memories seemed really positive. Which is truly ironic...since I was probably a really pessimistic teen. Sorry Mom. Sorry Dad. Sorry Connie.


ANYWAYS. We brought the subject up from time to time but never really did anything about it. So as we were driving home from a friends one day, we got to talking about how we need to get serious and figure out if we were going to bring our kids up in A church or not. Four days later, those missionaries were on our doorstep.

Eric went into everything with an open mind and heart. He was eager and ready to learn. I'm sure he was probably the easiest conquest they have had yet. It's not every day that someone has literally been waiting for you to teach them.

Our family has been so blessed, and we are so grateful!



  1. Hooray! That IS great news. We're so happy for you guys and wish we lived closer so we could be there, darn it. You'll just have to take pictures and post them on your new blog! :) Congrats and love.

  2. Awesome news Eric! Congrats. We look forward to seeing you guys in August for the reunion.

