Thursday, February 9, 2012

Just a little teaser.

Alright, I've been slaving away at this house since the minute we got the keys, and I am finally done! With one room. hahaha...the job is never done, it seems! I guess I could say that the living room is done as well, but we still have our DVD's/Blu Rays in boxes out of protection against the testosterone raging toddler I have on my hands. We are still trying to find the best way to organize and store them via the wall so that they don't get destroyed...

The kitchen was a mighty mess. I had to vacuum out the cupboards and drawers and then clean them and roll out the shelf/drawer liners. We had to purchase a new microwave and a new garbage can (Eric ran over our old garbage can lid on accident, so we stuck it in the garage for dirty diapers). See that garbage can? It opens automatically. We thought it was pretty sweet until Tristan figured it out. Anyway, you can't really tell in this picture but we also purchased a Pur attachment for the sink. The sink nozzle was a spray type thing-- it was ridiculous for making bottles or doing dishes-- water everywhere. So we killed two birds with one stone by changing it out. I would like to make some improvements to this kitchen but, ahh.. the life of a renter. It will do for now! :)

The finished product of the kitchen-- MINUS curtains-- I'm still debating on a. If I'm going to put any up and b. if I am, what color,etc.

The floor in here is pretty old and there are scuff marks and chips, and one big gash all over it, but guess what! Our actual landlord is out of the country right now till April (We've been working with his brother) but when he gets back he's going to replace the floor AND fix the deck. Wahoo! I'm excited.

To curtain or not to curtain?

Stay tuned for more house pictures!!