Friday, May 13, 2011

Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails...

I can't believe I forgot to blog about this.

Baby Thompson # 2


Again :)

I was so worried that I'd be having another boy because I didn't have a name for it. We have long ago picked out the name 'Olivia' for our (hopefully) future daughter, but once we had finally agreed on Tristan, I just fell in love with the name. I couldn't have loved it more. I thought I wouldn't ever find a name I loved as much for a boy.

When I found out I was pregnant again, I just knew it was a girl.
My main theories were:
a. Nausea but no vomitting (with Tristan, I spent the first 20 weeks throwing up everything I ate)
b. I didn't have any boy names left, so it had to be a girl.
c. Chinese prediction calendar.

There has been a very popular myth in Eric's family that has held true, and I chose to not accept this myth. Wish I would have!

The myth is that your hairline predicts what your younger sibling is. It works for the 5 kids in The Thompson family, and it works for me. (My hairline--in the back--is a "W" shape, and I have a little brother. Hairlines that are straight across indicate that you have a little sister)

The day that Tristan was born, I flipped him around and I looked at his hairline-- STRAIGHT AS AN ARROW! I had quickly told Eric I was recalling my statement from an hour ago (during my labor) and that we could indeed have more children. And then when Tristan was about 8 weeks old, I started to notice that his hairline was not straight. I asked everyone what they thought and they all agreed his hairline was not straight. I chose to ignore it and believed that I was having a girl. So you can imagine my surprise when the technician said "Okay, are you ready? See these are the legs...and this is not a leg." There was no doubt about it. There is a little boy inside of me!

After the ultrasound, we had about an hour to kill before my next appointment so we grabbed some lunch and started our name debate. It lasted about 20 minutes before we realized that we had already decided on the name a couple weeks ago. We decided that we would stick with our guts.

Ryan Joseph Thompson is expected to be here on September 13, 2011.

(Fun fact: Ryan means Little King!)

I must say, I thought I'd be so disappointed but I am not. I am thrilled! We have been having a particularly rough patch financially lately and feel that this may be a blessing in disguise. It will be so great to have two boys that are so close in age, and the only thing we'll really need to purchase is a toddler bed for Tristan! We already have everything we need. Of course, Ryan will need his own blankie because Tristan will certainly not be sharing that (he won't even let me cuddle with it) but otherwise, we are set! Which is great, because it has helped me to manage my stress a lot more this time around.

1 comment:

  1. We seem to have a family pattern going here, don't we? Boy, boy. Funny that all three of us (you, Nae, and I) felt sure our second-born would be a girl, too... I'm so excited for you guys, though! Boys are awesome. Exhausting, but awesome. :)
