Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Another year older...holding out on the wiser ;)

So, if you can believe it-- the boys each had birthdays this year! Crazy, huh? I did document them but I forgot to post them on the blog so forgive me for the delay and for the lack of details-- I'm getting old, sometimes my memory fails. 

Tristan turned 4? Is he 4 already? 
He says he is, so we'll go with it.

This was by far the most stress free party I've EVER planned! I was REALLY busy during his birthday time-- I was finishing school and extern and ok-- kinda wrapped up in some tall, dark, handsome man (let's be honest, here) PLUS-- I had just gotten hired by my extern site, so in all honesty, I didn't have a lot of time to plan his party. Don't worry though, I didn't FORGET-- he reminded me every single day to plan his party. So eventually, I gave in and planned a party for him.
Safe to say, we parents had about as much fun as the kids. 
We're really just big kids posing as parents.

Another year of keeping the kid alive! Job well done, partner in crime.
If we aren't the proudest parents you ever saw, then... I dono. 

I've said it once and I'll say it again-- the PARTY PLANNING NEVER ENDS.
The minute you finish one kids birthday, the other goes into full blown "ME ME ME" mode and demands that you promptly start planning his party next. No mind to the fact that his birthday is 5 months away. Get on it, Mother! 

And so, I picked a theme. That's it. That's all I did for 5 months.

Truth be told, we all knew this theme was coming from the minute this kid could crawl. We got Buzz and Woody for Tristan before Ryan could even see his own hand in front of his face, but the minute his vision cleared and his motor skills kicked in, he promptly rolled/crawled/wormed his way across the play room, grabbed Woody and sucked on his face. Never wanted anything to do with any real baby toys or anything else for that matter. He wanted his "B" and he wanted Woody. Slowly, but surely the obsession increased and now he sleeps with the whole gang every night. 

End side track. 

If you think we were ecstatic about our success in keeping Tristan alive for 4 years, we were THRILLED to have kept Ryan alive for 3. If this isn't success, then I don't know what is.

We picked a beautiful, sunny day to have a party at our favorite water park and the entire day was a smashing success.

It rained almost the entire time and everything got soaked and it was kind of miserable for a moment there. You know who didn't care? The birthday boy. 

He was so elated at all his Toy Story decorations that he hardly noticed that we were all shivering and soaked. After the cake was cut and devoured, we had a much better time because we all got in the pool and the pool was warm. In my 4 1/2 years as a mother, I've learned that if you pump the kids up with sugar, anything is a good time (for them). 

There's no such thing as an "unsuccessful" birthday party.