Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Ryan's life thus far...

Birth Day to week 1-Ryan gets evicted. Mommy is happy. Baby sleeps a lot. Daddy is happy. Tristan is not so happy- wonders why this thing won't go away.

Week 2: First official doctors appointment. Ryan is gaining weight nicely. Mommy wants to sleep. Tristan decides we can keep Ryan.

Week 3: Circumcision. Ear infection --> ear drum bursts  ---> doctors appt ---> antibiodics --> allergic reaction to antibiodics --> Mommy wants to sleep.

Week 4: Ryan will not poop. Goes 5 days without pooping. Cries a lot. Finally poops a little. Grandma comes to town. Ryan likes Grandma.

Week 5: Ryan finally poops. A lot.

Week 5 Day 1: Ryan sleeps through the night.

It has been quite a month! The transition from one to two children has been relatively smooth despite Ryan's health problems. We are finally settling in to a routine and Tristan is learning how to give Ryan kisses. Tristan has recently learned how to "High Five" and REALLY wants Ryan to learn too.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Ryan Joseph has arrived!

Okay, yes... I know that baby Thompson made his arrival over a month ago now and I have yet to even post a picture..what can I say- I've had my hands full!!

Little Ryan made his debut on September 4, 2011 (Yes, LABOR day wkend...har har) at 3:20am. Here is our first photo as a family of four!

and here is our little man!

I promise I will find time this weekend to sit down and write a real post, but until then...enjoy the eye candy! :)